-Member of the Association of Visual Artists
-Member of the International Association of Art UNESCO
-Memeber of Warsaw Association of Arists.
Joanna Pęgier creates her art and works in Warsaw, Poland. She is a graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts -Open Academy, painting studio of Prof. A. Węgłowski. She is a winner of art competitions, participant of numerous Polish and international art shows. Her paintings disclose intimate relations at the borders of fantasy and reality, nature and humanity. In recent years, she has been passionate about abstract painting, and among her achievements so far are also surreal works and portraits. Oil is currently Joanna Pęgier’s favorite painting technique.She is an active participant in national and international exhibitions and open-air events, and her works are in private collections in Poland and abroad.
Selected exhibitions:
2022- „Ca, c’est la Pologne”, Fête de l’Europe, Maison de l’Europe, Nantes France
2022- „Spiegelung von Emotionen”, SprachCafe Polonish, Berlin
2022- „Study of colour”, Gepetto Art Space, solo exhibition, Warszawa,
2022- „Homo Sum”, Center of Creativity Targowa, Warszawa
2022- „The world of a child” Śrem Muzeum, Śrem
2022- „Polish landscapes”, Center of EducationWilanów, Warszawa
2022- „Stream your dream”, solo exhibition, Elektrownia Powiśle , Warszawa
2022- „The world of a child” Center of Culture&Art, Konin
2022- „Przenicowany świat”, Związek Artystów Palstyków, Elektrownia Powiśle, Warszawa
2022- 100th Anniverssary of International Poznan Fair, „Six glances on Art”, Poznań
2022- Arte Genova 2022, International Art Fair, Genova, Italy.
2022- „Vive la couleur”, Ancien Cinema, Luxemburg.
2022- „Limitless Nature” G3 Art Contemporain Gallery, Bruksela.
2021- Rome International Art Fair, Gallery Medina, Rome, Italy
2021- BruxellesArtVue EXPO, G3 Art Contemporain Gallery, Bruselss, Belgium
2021- „Parallel Worlds” individual exhibition, Elektrownia Powiśle, Warsaw
2021- “Thoughts and feelings”, exhibition of the Association of Visual Artists, CK Wilanów, Warsaw
2021- “Woman”, exhibition of the Association of Visual Artists, Poznań
2021- International Biennale Quadro Art, Łódź Philharmonic.
2021- Bielska Jesień Biennale 2021, Virtual gallery.
2021- “Here we are”, Exhibition ZAP OM, Elektrownia Powiśle, Warsaw
2021- Śmigiel’s windmills, Śmigiel Center of Culture, permanent exhibition
2021- Post-open-air exhibition of the Association of Visual Artists, Śmigiel
2021- “Old Architecture of Wielopolski” exhibition of the Association of Visual Artists, Śrem Museum, Śrem
2021- “Little dreams in large spaces” Gallery “Fabryczka”, exhibition of the Association of Visual Artists, Wołomin near Warsaw
2021- “She and He”, Painting and Photography Exhibition of the Association of Visual Artists, DK “Polan Sto”, Poznań.
2021- Yicca. International Contest of Contemporary Art, Virtual Gallery.
2021- Polish National Painting Exhibition “Women’s World-space”, Gallery of Art Exhibitions OKNO, Stara Iwiczna near Warsaw.
2019- Post-plein-air exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts, Open Academy under the supervision of prof. Apoloniusz Węgłowski, Warsaw.
2019- Competition Exhibition, National Art Competition “Woman, CK Raszyn near Warsaw.
2018- Academy of Fine Arts- Summer Academy, Atrium Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
2018 – Competition Exhibition, National Art Competition “Woman, CK Raszyn near Warsaw
2018- Exhibition of the Drawing and Painting Studio under the supervision of Anna Sołtysiak, Center of Culture Center, ul. Foksal, Warsaw
2017- Exhibition of a creative group under the direction of Tomasz Sosnowski, ArtBem, Warsaw
2021- Bruxelle Art Vue, “Limitless Nature” edition, international art catalog
2021- Catalog of the International Biennale Quadro Art
2021- Album of the Open Academy of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
2021- Catalog of the Association of Artists and Designers
2020- Album of the Open Academy of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
2019- “Woman” competition folder
2019- Album of the Open Academy of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
2018- “Woman” competition folder
1996- Graphic design of the book “Pożegnanie z Jatą”